David Spivak and Brendan Fong

Department of Mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office: 2-180
Email: {dspivak, bfo} -- mit/edu

18.S097: Applied Category Theory

IAP 2019

General information

Dates: Jan 14 -- Feb 1 (MTWRF)
Time: 2 -- 3pm
Prerequisites: None
Credit: 3 units (1-0-2) (P/D/F)

Summary: Category theory is a relatively new branch of mathematics that has transformed much of pure math research. The technical advance is that category theory provides a framework in which to organize formal systems and by which to translate between them, allowing one to transfer knowledge from one field to another. But this same organizational framework also has many compelling examples outside of pure math. In this course, we will give seven sketches on real-world applications of category theory. (Flyer)

No prior knowledge of category theory is assumed; we will build up from the basics to the advanced theory over the series of lectures.

Students are very welcome to audit.

Course details

The course will be based on the following book, with two lectures on each chapter. Feedback about the book is welcome here or via email to the instructors.

The instructors will lead problem discussion and be available for questions each day from 3 to 3.30pm, in the course classroom, 4-237.

Students taking the course for credit will be required complete three problem sets. There will be no exam.

There will be no class on Monday 1/21 (MLK Day).

See the syllabus for more details.

Problem sets

Other resources

Videos of the classes.

Last year's course website.

An online forum dedicated to discussing the course textbook, moderated by Professor John Baez.

Apply to the Applied Category Theory School 2019. This school pairs ambitious young researchers together with established researchers in order to work on questions, problems, and conjectures in applied category theory. Applications close January 30th.

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Commons License This work by David I. Spivak and Brendan Fong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.