For me, mathematics is an intensely social activity, and it is important to me that we work to welcome all into our community. I believe in the following principles:
A Manifesto for Inclusivity in Category Theory and Mathematics at large
- We believe in inclusivity, that is, a policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded, disadvantaged, or marginalised.
- Some groups are under-represented or are a minority in our community, and this is not evidence that they are less worthy.
- We acknowledge many ways in which people can be unfairly disadvantaged in our community including, but not limited to: gender and gender identity, race and ethnicity, sexuality, disability, native language, country, culture, socioeconomic status, institution, seniority, juniority, job title, access to grants.
- We believe in actively working together to counteract these disadvantages, and that all action is valuable.
We believe in the value of a wide range of contributions to our community besides research, including, but
not limited to:
- exposition
- teaching
- mentoring
- organising conferences.
- We recognise that we are all more advantaged than some people and less advantaged than some other people. We commit to acknowledging our own advantages and compassionately supporting those who experience disadvantages different from our own.
Manifesto for Inclusivity by Eugenia Cheng, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).